Thursday, May 20, 2010


Madrid Espana. 
This photo was taken years ago, by one of my best friends Kristine Billon on our trip to Spain. 

 Seems like just yesterday we started traveling! I think back and remember the delicious cafe con leche I sipped on every morning. The patatas bravas was about the only thing I really cared for (as far as Spanish food)..and well the Sangria and the Flamenco dancers too. I'm open to trying everything for the most part, but I couldn't seem to delight in the Spanish food. The cold tomato soup (gazpacho) made me almost vomit..sorry if you got a visual :)
Such a cultural adventure..the good and the bad. One of the coolest things I thought was Siesta..a pause in the middle of the day where businesses and schools were closed for a break with the family. So many wonderful memories :) 
The Flamenco link I have above is the exact show we went to..what a great experience! Check it out.
Kristine captured our trip are just a few photos from our trip.

Three Kings parade downtown Madrid

Dancing to the beat of the drums.



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Paris Romance

We recently went to Paris. The streets were crawling with people; despite us staying out of the touristy areas. The skies were gray and it pretty much rained our whole entire trip. It didn't matter..everything was perfect. Mike and I got engaged and also celebrated my 27th birthday. Here are a few pictures of our wonderful weekend.

The view from our hotel room was pretty amazing..especially at night.
My ring! I'm so in love with it..Mike really knows my taste..great job honey!

The pastries and food stands were outstanding!
Time to take a break.
We had a yummy delicious sunday brunch before we left at this cute little cafe.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day Delay

Okay my mother's day fun has come with a delay! 1955 Housewives compared to today..haha..
Check out the difference.

Anne Taintor

Today's Housewives

Sexier and a lot more lip!

I'm Going Nude.

I'm loving the nude look. So fun and flirtatious.

I love the Trish McEvoy Lipstick here, but there is something else I'm in love with. I finally ordered the Viva Glam Lady Gaga lipstick, yeah I know I'm a little behind, but I'm am completely and utterly in love with it!! It looks so pretty on!

Last weekend we went to Paris and had a wonderful time..I will post some pictures next week :)
Also cross your fingers we might be moving to the beaches of Spain for a month..still up in the air, but I'm already jumping up and down.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy and Fabulous -Coco Chanel

So excited to go to Paris this weekend. I just love everything about being there; the pastries, oysters, duck, heavy cream, souffles..ohh the wonderful food..the culture is just so fabulous. I think I appreciate it even more after working in a Fine French Restaurant for 2 years. I think I may even watch the Coco Before Chanel movie today just to get motivation to do something victorious ( as some might call it)..something rewarding for me. Taking chances is risky, but that's how success arrives.

Last night Mike and I celebrated Cinco De Mayo at home with Corona's (I was too lazy to make margarita's even though they're much more glamorous and fun), Fajitas, beans, and fresh salsa. I think Mike actually ate so much he fell into a food coma because at nine he was fast asleep, while I was up watching Leap Year. We have so much fun together!

Anyhow I'm excited for this weekend. I want to go shopping too..I'm in love with this look. So classy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Want to want to want to...

Berlin Photo by Jurjen

Things I want to do:

1. Take fine cooking classes and learn more about wine.

2. Learn to Salsa dance
3. Put together a scrap book of all my travels.
4. Travel and learn more about Asia and Indonesia and Greece. Oooohh and Rome!
5. More photography.
6. Go Back for my Master's Degree and possibly my Doctorates in Anesthesia or possibly be a Practitioner
7. Write in my journal more often.
8. Learn more about my family history.

9. Be more of a Perfectionist.
10. Learn a second language just for fun. Maybe sexy!
11. Pick up Skin care and makeup artistry.  There are so many things i want to do..feels like there is never enough time..but I'll get to it! One day

So far life has been really great. Mike and I went to Berlin, then we went to Maastricht Netherlands (my new favorite's adorable and cozy, clean, modern, full of boutiques, shops restaurants and lounges). Next weekend we are off to Paris for my birthday! I love it there too. So much I didn't see last time..Latin Quarter, and Moulin Rouge..and um the food is pretty much AMAZING!

Photo by MadebyCedric