Saturday, October 30, 2010


What a great day! Mike managed to finally get a day off, although it was kind of a spare minute decision on his boss's behalf, we had a simple, but joyful day. We made cookies and although the sun was shining we stayed in and watched movies and shows all day. Sex in the City II, The First 48,  The Jersey Shore, Weeds...These days don't happen it's bedtime...goodnight and good weekend!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Studying should be my middle name.

Time to get down to work! My Vegas Chica's came and went with a bang. It was so nice having some days out with the girls, even the chill days were a blast! One left to Seattle and the other to LA to start the next stepping stone in their lives :) I have to admit I'm a little jealous they got to go back to the wonderful US of A. Seems like they had a blast in Europe. So many exciting things going on all around me. I'm hoping next week I can catch some more girly time with Janna. In the mean time...back to work! Hope everyone is having a fabulous week!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Friday

Happy Friday! This week's been tiring... can't wait for some fun!
Here are some pictures from Brussels Belgium. Love this city.

The mussels, cookies and waffles were so yummy! Oh and you can't forget about the beer (bier).

This is the cookie store

Changing the baby statue's clothes..

Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!
Happy Birthday to Susy Reyes!!! Love you girl!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The days are cold.

It's been a while..
Just trying to stay focused. We managed to delete our Facebook (It was too big of a distraction); But we still have Myspace and Hyves..we'll see how it all works out :)

Mike's been working 7 days a week. I've been studying and cleaning. Our lives are really not that exciting at the moment, but it's been nice. My friends from Vegas will be staying with us this weekend..I'm really looking forward to it! Besides that and FOOTBALL..not a whole lot going on. I think my fiance Mike looks like Sam Bradford..what do you think?
Mike (and Rob)
Sam Bradford
Sam Bradford
Mike (and I)
Sam Bradford

Its crazy how much they look alike.